Used needles, also commonly called “sharps”, are easily
disposed of by following a few simple guidelines.
First, if the syringe you are using has a cap or plastic
protection sleeve, replace it after use. This is the first line of immediate
protection while you are still handling it.
A plastic cap is self-explanatory, but plastic protection
sleeves aren’t something most of us can picture unless we’ve already seen them.
Also called a safety syringe, some sharps have a plastic
sheath that can be slid down and clicked into place to cover the needle after
use. It is designed in such a way that
it is virtually impossible to dislodge the sheath and pull it back up to expose
the needle.
After a plastic cap or protective sleeve is placed over the
needle, the sharp can be placed into a tough, hard plastic container such as a
laundry detergent bottle. A plastic milk
jug will work, but is not made of as thick of a plastic material and a needle
whose cap has come loose may be able to poke through the side.
Once these two steps have been done, you may place the
container right into your regular trash. Most people are leery of doing this
because the sharps are technically considered medical waste, but in the
quantities that are generated by individuals, this is a viable option.
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