
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Which Type Of Egg Cartons Are Best?

Eggs are generally a staple in every American home. You'll be hard-pressed to find one household in the United States that does no have at least one egg in the refrigerator.

Eggs used to be gathered in a basket or an apron and either used personally or sold to friends and family. Today the production, collection, and sales are accomplished very differently.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Are Post-It Notes Recyclable?

3m, the makers of Post-It Notes, is a very conscientious company who has done real-life trials on the
ability to recycle one of their most widely-known products, the Post-It Note.

The Post-It Note, commonly referred to with the genericized term, "sticky note", was invented by accident.

Post-It Notes are "small pieces of paper with a re-adherable strip of glue on its back, made for temporarily attaching notes to documents and other surfaces. A unique low-tack pressure-sensitive adhesive allows the notes to be easily attached, removed, and even re-posted elsewhere without leaving residue. Originally small yellow squares, Post-it notes and related products are now available in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes."

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Is Bubble Wrap Recyclable?

In 1957 two inventors named Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes were attempting to create a three-dimensional plastic wallpaper. Although the idea was a failure, they found that what they did make could be used as packing material.

Now known as “bubble wrap”, this plastic material contains evenly spaced, protruding air-filled pockets. The term “bubble wrap” is a generic trademark owned by Sealed Air Corporation, co-founded by Alfred Fielding in 1960.

Are Photographs Recyclable?

Photographs are printed on paper that is treated with a thin layer of a light-sensitive chemical formula.

The chemical that is added to the paper essentially plasticizes it and adds enough chemicals that the paper is left without the conventional fibers needed for the paper to be recyclable.

Monday, June 8, 2015

What is a PAYT Program?

According to, Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) programs encourage waste reduction through recycling by charging residents based on the amount of trash they throw away.

Trash services are traditionally charged as a flat rate based on whatever service level they choose, no matter how much they throw away. PAYT programs ultimately charge customers just as if it were any other usage-based service. Under these programs, fees are usually charged by the bag or trash can they use. Some PAYT programs, however, charge residents based on the actual weight of a trash by using trucks equipped with on-board scales.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Is My Mattress Recyclable?

It is widely accepted that today’s mattresses are designed to last the average consumer about 7 – 10 years. 

The actual amount of time is based on several factors such as amount of use, weight of user, if allergies are involved, and if the user is experiencing a bad night’s sleep.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Can I Leave Packing Tape On Cardboard Boxes?

Corrugated boxes, more commonly referred to as “cardboard boxes”, have a long history.  The term “corrugate” means bent into curves or folds.

First invented as corrugated paper in 1856 by Edward Allen and Edward Healey, this material was the result of flat paper being fed through “a simple hand machine made of two fluted rolls”. The wrinkled paper was used to line the tall hats that men used to wear to keep them straight and upright.